
Diversity… a necessary task to develop everywhere at ESCB level !

Countdown is finished!

The countdown will be updated as soon as the new date is decided

Diversity is a topical subject and rightfully so, because experience has shown that companies that nurture a culture of diversity and inclusion are more productive and innovative and offer better perspectives for personal and professional growth to their staff members in a more motivating work atmosphere.

Diversity is not just about physical attributes, described in laws, but covers a huge range of different human experiences. First, there are personality differences, as e. g. gender, sexual orientation, age, race, nationality, ethnical and cultural background,  physical and mental ability, then also differences influenced by such factors as e. g.  family status, education, professional background, religion, union affiliation, work location, era, etc.

We should take care of all aspects of diversity, so that differences are respected, and employees get safe and comfortable working conditions and psychologically safe environment to combine work and personal life, free from any form of discrimination.

Working Group Files